A more Flexible learning option for WAVA Students

WAVA Flex is an alternative learning option for students in grades K-12 at Washington Virtual Academies. Flex is an asynchronous learning model ideal for motivated learners, independent learners, and learners that engage well with the online curriculum. Flex students thrive with supportive & engaged learning coaches. It is likely to be helpful for those who require or would benefit from more flexible schedules due to their learning needs, medical needs, work responsibilities, or caregiving responsibilities.
Interested in Flex?
We have reached capacity in some grade levels, and are keeping a Flex waitlist. Please complete the WAVA FLEX Interest Form Link, and Heather Bennett, our Student Support Administrator will contact you with details about opting into Flex and/or joining the Flex waitlist.
Common Questions about Flex
How does Flex differ from the standard WAVA learning program?
In Flex, students’ learning routines (e.g., the time of day and days of the week when students complete their online coursework) are organized by their learning coaches. Flex does not offer direct instruction from teachers, and there is no access to standard WAVA Class Connect recordings. In Flex, students have limited Class Connect sessions (only homeroom), and this means that there are fewer weekly contact opportunities as well. Flex students must participate in mandatory monthly conferences, regardless of their grades or academic standing. In Flex students set & track growth goals related to their academics and extra-curricular interests.
In what ways is Flex the same as the standard WAVA learning program?
Flex students are still WAVA students. They use the same online learning platform with the same curriculum as their grade level peers in standard WAVA. All students attend a homeroom and must make weekly contact with their homeroom teacher per Washington State’s laws for Alternative Learning Environments like WAVA. In both programs, the teacher sets the weekly learning plan, though the learning coach is responsible for setting the plan for and supporting the completion of the coursework. Flex provides access to the highly capable program & special education. IEP services, including specially-designed instruction (SDI) is available in Flex. SDI addresses the learning goals of students with IEPs, but does not necessarily include support with completing specific assignments. All WAVA students, including those in Flex, must abide by the same testing expectations, have access to the 7Mindsets social-emotional learning curriculum, and may participate in clubs & social opportunities offered at WAVA and by our national partner, Stride/K12.
What is required of Flex students?
All Flex students in grades K-12 are required to routinely participate in the online school platform. This includes: spending adequate time in online courses; completing all aspects of coursework, including practice & workbook tasks; scheduled learning time & daily practice; and demonstrating academic honesty. In addition, Flex students must attend one (1) weekly homeroom session live; students with IEPs, must additionally attend all specially designed instruction (SDI) sessions. Flex students also participate in student-led conferences every 4-5 weeks of school. It is important that Flex students demonstrate learning growth via assessments, grades, progress monitoring. As stated previously, Flex students must participate in WAVA & state assessments (MAP, SBA, RAN/RAS, DIBELs, etc.).
What is expected of Flex learning coaches?
To support student learning, learning coaches establish & monitor learning routines to ensure that adequate time is spent on schoolwork, and to monitor overall progress & growth. When needed, Flex learning coaches support students' learning with instruction and help them access available learning resources. This includes teaching students how to effectively ask for help from their Flex teachers via email, phone calls and office hour help sessions. Finally, an understanding that “productive struggle” is valuable when learning is essential.
Do Flex students receive regular diplomas when graduating?
Yes, a student participating in Flex receives the same diploma as their peers that graduate from WAVA High School. Neither the diploma nor the transcript includes any reference to Flex.
Are there any changes to the graduation requirements for Flex students?
No. Our graduation requirements at WAVA are set by the Omak School District to meet the expectations of the State of Washington. All students, regardless of their program, must meet the same requirements.
Can Flex students participate in Running Start?
Yes, when in 11th and/or 12th grade, Flex students may take Running Start courses at their local colleges, just like other WAVA High School students.
Can a student do both Flex and regular WAVA, “part-time Flex” for some courses?
No. You will have to choose one option that best fits the students’ learning needs the best. Since they are a key difference between the two options, we often ask families to consider how important the live Class Connect sessions/recordings are to their students’ learning.
Do all siblings in a family need to opt into Flex?
No. In many cases, some siblings have opted for Flex, while others remain in the standard WAVA program because their learning needs are different. The fit matters!
What if Flex ends up not working well for a learner?
Exiting Flex to shift to the standard WAVA program is possible, and follows a particular timeline that is aligned with WAVA’s calendar for new student start dates. This timeline applies whether the decision is made by the parent/guardian or by Flex staff/teachers/administrator. A decision to exit Flex applies to the remainder of the school year. The primary consideration for Flex-initiated exits is a lack of academic progress/growth and the student’s learning needs will be better met by the instruction offered in the standard WAVA program.
Learn More:
Flex Family & Student Success Stories
Flex Contact:
Student Support Team
Heather Bennett, Student Support Administrator