Congratulations to our WAVA Graduates for the Class of 2025! We look forward to celebrating with you. This page is a go-to place for you to find information to prepare for graduation day. Please remember that if you have any questions about your graduation status, you can ask your counselor and/or teachers. Communications are posted here and sent via email to all 12th graders regardless of your grad status.
Please see below for planning your graduation day, inviting family and friends and what you need to be prepared!
You will need a cap/gown/stole as listed below. Tickets are no-cost and you will not need to purchase a ticket to attend the graduation. An RSVP will go out closer to May in order to gain a general headcount.
WAVA Class of 2025
Save the Date June 8th, 2025
Ceremony Start Time: 2pm
Students will arrive earlier (details to come)
Doors to guests will not open until 1:45pm
Location: Washington State Fair & Events Center, Agriplex Building
Address: 5th St SW Puyallup, Wa 98371
Parking is free--Green Gate off of Fairview Dr
A scone cart will be onsite for purchase
Grad Gown/Cap Color - Black
Tassel Color Black or Teal, Stole teal color
Grad cap/gown/stole are required to walk in the ceremony, similar items can be found on Amazon or purchases at: https://tinyurl.com/wavagradpackage
Share your Grad Photos to Grad Padlet by May 15th (this is for a video that will be played to all during graduation, don't forget to add your photos!
More details to come! Updates will go out via email and posted here
Questions email Community Engagement, hchamberlain@K12.com
Tom Yahraes, Asst Principal, tyahraes@K12.com
General Reminders
RSVP by May 1st for the in-person graduation, form will go out via email.
Bookmark our Graduation Planning page and continue to check for details/updates: https://www.wavabulletinboard.com/graduation-planning
By May 15th, submit all grad photos for our promotion of your graduation to the Grad Padlet: https://padlet.com/haileycpak/wava-class-of-2025-bpr91p7wt5cau38v
Ensure you have ordered or have a black cap/gown, teal stole and tassel if attending in person for graduation
If you have any questions about orders from Jostens you can email hchamberlain@wava.org, or ebrimage@jostens.com
If you ordered anything from Jostens and it says it will be delivered to the school, please note that it auto processes as that. Your order will actually go to your address you entered when ordering since our school is virtual.
If you have a unique story to share about your high school experience or after graduation plans or accomplishments to highlight, please submit your story to Project Elevate. This will be shared out via the news, websites and media publications, https://elevate.press/link
Please follow Washington Virtual Academies on Instagram and FB for updates. During May and June we will be sharing your photos on social media.
If you have additional questions about graduation you can email hchamberlain@K12.com, or tyahraes@K12.com
Thank you. This update does not serve as a confirmation of your graduation status and is going out to all seniors. If you have any questions about your graduation status please reach out to your teacher and/or counselor.
-Team WAVA