Special Programs
Special Programs at WAVA includes special education, Section 504, Multilinguistic Learners, LAP and Highly Capable. Our team of support staff is lead by Administrator Shelley Sears. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Special Education, master degrees in Educational Technology and Psychology, and has a certificate in Educational Administration. She has been in special education for over 30 years (15 in online settings) in Georgia and Washington. Shelley has worked in a private practice for Child, Marriage and Family Therapy and later as a school therapist.

Special Programs Q & A
*What is covered under Special Programs at WAVA?
Special Programs includes special education, Section 504, English Language Learner, and Highly Capable
*What kind of support is offered through the Special Programs Team?
Special education services are provided in accordance with IEP. Section 504 accommodation plans are implemented as the plan dictates. EL and Highly Capable students receive supplementary services in their general education classrooms and/or small group pull out ClassConnect sessions.
*If my student is on a 504 or IEP and we are new to WAVA, what steps do we need to take?
If you indicated that your student was receiving supports and services through a 504 or special education, the 504 Coordinator or the student’s Special Education Case Manager will be in touch during the few days of school. If you did not indicate that your student was receiving those supports and services, please send those documents to specialeducation@wava.org and/or let your student’s teacher know.
*If there an option for highly capable students?
Highly Capable enrichment services will be either provided in the general education classroom or as a pull out by one of our Highly Capable teachers.
*Any additional details that can be highlighted for Special Programs at WAVA?
Special Programs at WAVA are continuously improving to ensure that we are meeting the needs of our diverse learners.
*Who do I contact for support in Special Programs?
If you have questions or concerns about the diverse needs of your learner, please contact -
Shelley Sears, ssears@K12.com --Special Programs Administrator, 504, LAP Program, Highly Capable Program and Multilinguistic Learner Program
Omak Special Education Director: Sarah Lewman, slewman@omaksd.org, Omak Special Education Director
OSPI link for the Procedural Safeguards (Parent and Student Rights): https://ospi.k12.wa.us/student-success/special-education/family-engagement-and-guidance/parent-and-student-rights-procedural-safeguards